Adding media

1. Navigate to the media tab

Click on the media tab in the menu on the left side of the screen.

2. Select media

In the top corner of the screen, select the "new media" button. If the media you want to upload is located on your computer, select the "browse" button and locate the media you wish to use, however if your media is located online (YouTube video, online image etc), paste the media's URL link in the "Media link" text box.

Note: only the following media types can be uploaded:

*Currently videos cannot be uploaded hosted using CloudTour. We recommend hosting these on YouTube or Vimeo. If adding a YouTube video, use the share button from the YouTube video to get it in the format Paste this into the Media link section and select Save.

3. Uploading media

Once your media is selected, click the "Save" button. An upload progress bar will appear, once it has finished uploading the editor will take you back to the media tab, do not interrupt the upload while it is processing.

Removing media

To remove a piece of media you have added, in the media tab, click the "remove" button. Your browser will then prompt you to make sure you want to delete it, select OK.

Be aware that deleting media here will remove every instance of it throughout the tour.

Creating a gallery